• DT夢惑力 •
DT & Creation 夢幻誘惑的創造力
Dreaming Temptation & Creation
By Daniela Calatroni & Dr. Thomas Y. P. Hsu

這是由兩位懷有追求品牌夢想的跨國築夢家所創立的品牌,一位是來自設計之都義大利米蘭的 Daniela Calatroni,一位是來自台灣的政治經濟學博士 Dr. Thomas Y. P. Hsu, 兩人為了完成共同的設計精品品牌夢想, 為了把珠寶美學帶入人們的日常生活,讓生命的每一天,充滿了〝夢幻誘惑的創造力〞, 透過夢幻珠寶意象,讓人們有了想像力,追求美學及理想的誘惑力,逐步完成了每個人心中最深層的創造力,生活就應該這麼舒適 這麼自在,挽起袖子,拿起紙筆,打開電腦,無時無刻,自在飛翔,每個人都可以是自己生活的美學設計師,夢幻靈魂的創造者,平實中激發起我們許久不曾有的夢想,享受生活,享受人生。

瑪瑙被稱為幸福之石,代表和平與幸福,也代表著財富及平衡磁場能量,加上施華洛世奇水晶元素,更增添時尚感.當瑪瑙珠寶成為書寫工具, 同時,也提升到瑪瑙珠寶文具, 瑪瑙珠寶項鍊可以幻化成筆或時尚配件,挑戰人們的想像,讓每個人都可以是自己生活的美學設計師,夢幻靈魂的創造者。

那就是 ”DT & Creation” 與妳(你)的第一次邂逅,也是將永遠陪伴妳一生的好朋友,想哭,擁著DT & Creation一起哭 ,想笑,低調奢華的DT & Creation陪妳(你) 一起笑傲江湖,就讓我們一起完成我們的夢想,共同創造美好人生吧!

• DT & Creation •
Dreaming Temptation & Creation
• By Daniela Calatroni & Dr. Thomas Y. P. Hsu

It was created by two cross over dreamers who pursue the goal of international branding, one is Ms. Daniela Calatroni who comes from the city of design –Milano, Italy, the other is Ph. D. Thomas Y. P. Hsu who comes from Taiwan. They are trying to complete their dreaming on brand of luxury items and bring the art of jewelry into people’s daily life. Make every one is filled with “Dreaming Temptation & Creation” each day.
Makes people own the imagination to pursue the art & dreaming temptation, then complete their deeply creation. Life should be good like writing, typing, flying…etc. Each one can be art designer of his life and the creator of his dreaming soul. To enjoy life.   

That is: The Jewelry, the pen. The Perfume, the Necklace. All with the precious Agate jewel or/and Crystallized Swarovski Elements. Agate is called “ the stone of fortune” and represents “peace & fortune” which makes people have peaceful and harmony mind, then for positive attitude in life. Life should be good with energetic Jewel stationery & fashion accessories.

Meet the “Dreaming Temptation & Creation” and to be your best friend whom you can share laugh & crying with. Let “low key luxury DT & Creation” accompany with you to complete all our dream and create the best life.
TEL: 886-2-2794-5506 • FAX: 886-2-2792-5788
4F, No. 91,Xin hu 1st Rd., Neihu Dist., 114 Taipei ,Taiwan
Email: irene@paipenpro.cominfo@paipenpro.com